Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hawaiian Haystacks...

We served Hawaiian Haystack at the boys birthday party.  I think it might be a "Mormon" thing (like green jello with shredded carrot), because the only people who knew how to eat them were the Mormons.  ANYWHO....

This served about 12 people I believe.

Boil two whole chickens.  Peel off the fat, and then shred the meat and put it in a crock pot ( save the bones to make some delicious homemade broth!!).  Add to the crock two cans of Cream of Chicken, and one can of Cream of celery.  A pinch of salt, and 1 1/2 cans of water.  You just have to warm this up and keep it warm until it's ready to serve.

Make some rice

When you are read to eat you simply put some rice on your plate, and a scoop of the chicken mixture.
Top it with your choice of the following:
Diced peppers (I prefer red on this)
Chopped green onions
Chunks of Pineapple
Shredded Coconut
Chinese Noodles
Shredded Cheese
Chopped Almonds

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